Sunday, December 11, 2011
In the Arms of Angels video
I was so touched when they got saved from the rock slides and even know I can prove that miracles happen. I had faced dangers and accidents before and I know that I won't be here right now if not for God. I wouldn't have gone this far if not for Him. This also reminds me my turning point in life to God, when I was so inspired by God's grace and got conscience. And I know we are not perfect but we can pray for guidance and help. And only in prayer and willingly action we tend to try, to do and to achieve and be the next God's instrument. And being His instrument brings true Happiness.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Immaculate Conception day
Singing songs of praises to God truly inspires me every time. I prayed for protection, peace, love, unity, understanding, diligence and guidance to the Lord for me and my family and so everyone else.
For the next day is my field trip, I also prayed that I may enjoy it and learn and experience a lot.
And for Mary was conceived without the original sin, she was the passage of Christ to be born on earth.
And as Mother of our Lord, we give praise not like a god but more like how we all treat our mothers. She's the mother of mercy and and it's a good time to ask for forgiveness to God through her.
And today, MMCP is holding a 2000 Hail Mary for the whole day.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Citizen Advancement Training
And joining the summer training will make you an officer at the end of it so that at the start of the school year, you'll be recruiting and training other people instead. And you get to have a better haircut hahaha :D.
Well o my first day of training, it was fun. we did a lot of physical exercises, I experienced square meals and some basic drills. On the next day, my whole body was aching, starting the time I woke up. Our Physical Exercise was very hard tho it's the same routine everyday. I learned more on the drills and lectures. After that day, I took permission of absence, not for nothing, well just for a rest and I accompanied my mom and grandmother to Quezon City, it was Thursday already, we started the training Tuesday, so the next day was Friday, the last training day of the week. Well most of muscles weren't aching anymore, so it was easier compared the last time. And I met new senior officers. Well they were graduates since 2005, some graduated recently. It was fun, the endurance test and as well the inspection. It was pretty fun hahaha. The drills are fun, it's getting interesting. That's all...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Exams and Earthquake drill
It's like you found the treasure already but you didn't open it.
Well aside from the exam, there was this Earthquake drill that our school has been doing. We started it last Monday, and they said that the drill can occur anytime in any moments.
The drill is just not something you do so that you won't have classes, it's something that has to be done for the safety of each person. It is done because it makes us aware what we must do and what we should do next when there's an earthquake.
Anyway, I was just going to say, exams and the drill. A drill happens during the exam. Students have been already imagining what they can do while the drill in an exam. Luckily, we didn't have any drill hahaha...
Sunday, March 20, 2011
What I've been doing...
Well I was pressured of doing 10 blogs in just ONE hour and THIRTY Minutes. Lately I got asleep because I was tired. The morning I was still sleepy but I had to go because of the Rotary Olympics then after wards. I didn't have enough sleep for about 3 days from now. I only had 4 to 5 hours of sleep, I was busy somehow. Well then after I got home, it was my grandfather's birthday, and it lasted very long. After the party, that's the only time I was able to sleep and that's the time I got asleep but well, I was sleeping with my attire one and shoes on. Mosquitoes were picking on me, the fan wasn't on. So it was so hot and so itchy... That's how I got awake and then after wards, I said hey why didn't you wake me up, they told me that they tried to wake me up but I was so tired so he just let me sleep. Well anyway, I told them I need to do my blogs now, so they let me use the computer... blah blah blah, under 30mins, I tried to make 5 blogs, and hahaha, it was so funny, I rushed in and so unbelievable I was able to do that much blogs under such little time.
Well I am having voice problems and soar throat, I think it's because of lack of sleep, especially during times when I was so sleepy but I tried to be awake like last Friday... ah......... This is so much...
I am lacking sleep again today but I am going to try to sleep now.
So as my 40th post, it's been great doing this... I had fun doing it and from now on, I'll try to keep it active every day, or week.... Well Right now, I am watching frightening news... Well I have to go, it's still Monday tomorrow, I have to be early and we still have Culminating Activities.... uh.... With this soar throat, how am I going to sing!? anyway I am hopping this will be gone by the time I wake up the morning...
So Goodnight
God bless!
Modern Slavery
Well first slavery began a long time ago but the old fashion of slavery that I know is when Europians exchange goods with Africans for their strong slaves. As for the slaves, they are transported to the New world, commonly known today as America. The slaves are bought there by other business man, and as for the slave, they work for the buyer. Mostly slaves in middle age were very expensive, about $40,000 each.
BUT today, there's a new way slavery, people don't look it as much as slavery but what they are doing is slavery. First, Those people are mostly helpless to themselves, they have no shelter, no money, nobody to lean on so they would rather sell their lives to others and live it like that. Second, one of modern slavery is Human Trafficking, it's been around the world, kidnapping women and kids and sellin them to other people.
Well most of the purpose or doings in this are:
- They sell their lives to be able to live
- They are sold to other people for entertainment or work as maid but sometimes they get abuse.
- When they get abuse, they can't do anything because they have no profile.
well they get abuse and they are not paid, they work almost forever. This is horrible.
ACT now! And protect millions a people from these kinds slavery!
No more World War, and never there will be a World War III. I pray that there will be no kinds of such war anymore in this world of very fragile people.
As I am writing this post, I am watching the breaking news on CNN about the Libyan war. Well there have coalitions of different forces. From the NATO, against the Libyan Army, against it's own population and others...
Well As coalitions goes one, Libyan leader vows REVENGE to the West.
That doesn't sound good. It's getting scary and creepy. I don't like the sound of it.
Benghazi where most of the tension has been occurring. Allied Aircraft such as French/US/UK aircraft are patrolling the areas at all time. as for the Libyan Leader Khadafi, he should leave his position now but he insist to stay with force and since this issue has been going on over months, so UN took actions.
Well are other Arab countries going to support the allies or the Libyan?
There were already some reports that allies destroyed military convoys.
That was the news but did you know what.
A few years ago, Guinea, country where I used to be was lacking of oil supply. Just because of it, there are Marshall Laws, revolts against each other, rebellion and corruption. Well I've been wondering, is World War III going to start because of Oil Supply? I hope not.
I pray that there's no war at all. God please guide us all and keep us away from dangers and the harms of this world.
We just have to wait and act for ourselves...
Best Quotations
-Jose Rizal-
This quote by our famous Jose Rizal is so inspiring. It shows values of patriotism and nationalism. A love for thy country when it's in time of desperate measure.
Well Rizal stood up for the country to uphold it's freedom.Well he did his best to free the Philippines from the Spanish.
He was a national hero to me. He was able to speak a lot of languages in front the spaniards whether alone or not. He was a dedicated person. He did not choose on how he should die, like a man who got killed valiantly in a battle but he chose to live his life to the fullest. He decided on how he should use his life for the sake of others and the sake of the coming generations.
That's Jose Rizal! A man of true integrity and courage with perseverance and determination of thyself.
Facebook or Friendster
Why? It's better, cooler and has more features than Friendster. I only used friendster a couple of days then I tried to facebook after that. Well I found out that facebook was better, but yet a bit confusing but has simple background. Well that's one thing I like about facebook. It has cool games and very learning games. You can send message, poke your friends and chat wit them anytime when they are online.
You can post pictures, upload albums or videos and share it to the World!
You can change your profile, put up picture, change about yourself. Put more description and contact details.
You can change your privacy whether, they can see you or not. Or see what you do or not.
Well maybe I am missing something about facebook, well I don't know, I am not a full time user of it. I just often look at it for incoming message. hahaha
Well that's all
Facebook for the best!
Facebook for the win!
Facebook vs Friendster, Facebook wins...
Well those computer tables so called Touch screen tablets or iPad are like big iPhones lol hahaha. But anyway, they are cool and I would like to buy one in the future, but maybe there will be something more than that.
There are so many renovation in the industries. They are making things more and more sophisticated with more advance technology to add more feature. Well I am very sure, they can put all feature in just one single device, well they don't want to because there will no more renovation by that then which is part of business plans.
As for iPad, I like it because they are cool and small in kind which can use anywhere, even when standing or walking. You just have to use the screen and your fingers to navigate through it.
Zoom, zoom and zoom, you are there. Just with fingers... Guaranteed one the best gadget right now.
But it's too expensive hahahaha. so later iPad... hahaha
My best friend
But in here, in the Philippines, it's been rough for me communicate since I lack a bit of English, well I can still speak. But I know there's somewhere, someone who's my best friend in here, maybe I just don't know because, there's a lot of people in here, I just have to be careful who are my friends really are.
But in most cases, I consider as everyone I meet as a friend. So but I am not sure who's my real friend and my best friend.
My grandpa's Birthday
After the blowing of the candle, it was eating time. Wow, everyone was so excited about it. It was dinner time so we were expecting a lot of food, well it did. There was a lot of them. Everyone was so not hungry anymore at the end. And they wanted to stay some more but it was already time. Too bad we had to go.
But Everyone enjoyed. And I thank them for coming to grandfather birthday.
I pray for grandfather that he may live longer, a healthier life with more blessed birthdays to come.
That's all!
SY2010-2011 Rotary Olympics
Well as part of the athletic team, the team did their best, our coach didn't come but he had his assistant. WOw you should have been there..... Our assistant is so... I don't know, indescribable.
Anyway, We won second place as overall Interact Club. But OVERALL, Interact and Rotaract, we won Third place. WOW, Can you imagine that, for us to win such place without even a college. It was cool.
Well I just notice something in our team, we lack of speed but we are more on team work, coordination, cooperation, strength and power. That's how we won most of them but we need to improve more in the fields of running. We are outranked in fields of running. They are so fast!
Well in all, they accepted it but I hope next year we'll do better.
As third overall, we won P5000. Each of us got P250. After the competition, we ate at Mcdonald, well that's all for the day, then all us scattered hahahaha... What a day.....
Well it's one the first sports car I heard then followed by lambourgini. Well it may not be the fast but looks like the fastest because of it's logo, the horse. Oh yeah, with horse it can burst very fast. Woohooo!!
It's like you are justp laying video games of car in a real life, but you are not, you are really driving it. hahahaha.
The car is so flat. As in, it's so low. it's top can put back and off. It's an amazing design by the Italians. They are very famous for such talents.
And to finish this post.
If I was to buy a car, even if I was able to afford one of these, I would buy a normal car rather than these. :D
Calamity in Japan
Hundreds of cars, got washed away. Boats got carried away. Water routes were like a jungle river full of series of waterfall.
I heard the news about it just as I came back home from school. I was shocked by a this sudden news from CNN that I heard. I think it happened 30mins ago where we were still enjoying our Culminating Activity.
We didn't feel any quake thou it was very far. Hawaii, the US coastal cities of San Fransisco and California, Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia raised their tsunami warnings. Everyone was alert.
Well the tsunami wasn't the only problem, despite the huge technological advancement of japan, they have nuclear power plants around the country. The quake stroke some damage to some powerplants which cause fire.
Some were able to be put out but one of them exploded. The tsunami already done enough damage to the lives of the Japanese people, but the explosion of the power plant is like the atomic bomb dropped by the Americans during WWII. We don't like the radioactive chemicals of the nuclear power plant. Just by getting touched by it several times, or inhaling it to much, CAN cause defectiveness to the next generations.
I hope that they'll be able rise and stand up again from such blow.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
His fullname is Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III.

He's a great leader. I know he is because it's been running through their veins for generations. As he's the Fourth Generation of the family politicians. He learned a lot, especially from he's father and grandfather which dedicated their lives to the country during World War II and during Ferdinand Marcos Marshall laws.
For such a great president, he got a new power. With all the problems the country had a few years ago up to now. I know he'll do his best and work his best to put all Filipinos in a good state of being when it comes to international reputation.
That's one the great honor a Filipino can have. Finally, a non corrupted president after many years of corruption.
In some words, I pray that he may do he's best at his responsibilities for the good of all the Filipinos throughout the world.
Climate Change
Illegal logging has been increased year by year in demand of wood for development. And increased mining in national forest where nature is destroyed.
This has TO STOP!
Unexpected catastrophic weather cast happens suddenly due to it. Desertification occurs in some regions. Natural water disappearing and sea level increases as Polar Ice melts down everyone sec, every day.
Species are disappearing, their ecosystem are no longer balance. Most of them are thriving very hard, no because of illegal hunters but because of Climate Change.
Carbon emitting technology specially the most use in the world like cars, power plants, factories are destroying ozone layers. Ozone layers are protecting the Earth's atmosphere from UV light of the sun. But some part of the world has already some destroyed Ozone layers.
The north and south pole don't use to melt down easily. But now, it's even indescribable. A huge pact of glaciers melts down in just some hours. Because of that, Sea level is rising greatly. Shores are getting overrun by the sea.Unexpected typhoons, cyclone ravage the lands with huge wave of water.
It could be an effect to the world. We Must do something.
Or else this world will be nothing but ruins of our own doings.
My Favorite Color
I like red, I also like orange and yellow which are close to it.
Red is commonly used during Christmas, that why I like it.
But as for my favorite color, it's white. White signifies purity, chastity and meekness. I like wearing it anytime, especially during Weekends, on Sundays and on Holidays.
It's a very special color to me. I am planning to buy new white clothing for me. In white, I feel very very simple... I feel peace in my mind. It's like when you feel the wind alone in middle of the night on the hills.
It's simplest color I can think off.
Favorite movie
(Ian goes infront of the TV)
Ummm, what can I watch?
(Ian thinks of watching something)
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... This one.
(TV, showing a movie, called Avatar)
Yes this is so cool.
(blah blah blah, it goes on and on)
A few moments later
What is this? IS THIS A JOKE!!!? Oh c'mon!! brur...........
Well, this sometimes what happened when I watch movies hahaha...
It's exciting to watch them. In this, I was watching Avatar. A 3D movie about
extraterrestrial being and human beings in space.
I can say that this movie is one the best I've watched. It's so amazing how they did it. It took them years for just a two hours of movie. 3D movies are not that easy to make. Animating a 10 sec non High Definition 3D can take weeks or even months.
Anyway, in this movie, the story is so interesting.It shows the values of Courage, Determination, Love and Peace makers.
I recommend you watching it. Really! You'll not regret it.
Well that's all, the story is too complicated for me to depic by words hahahaha...
Farewell Message to School Year 2010-2011
In this post, I'll be talking about School Year 2010-2011.
Well it all started on June 2010. I was so excited but in some point, I was so nervous.
I had this feeling that I wouldn't be that successful. I prayed to God for guidance. I had difficulty speaking, socializing with people.
Teachers were so friendly, that's how I kept on going. They were very considerate. My classmates were so open-minded.
Well I know, it was difficult for me to adjust. Especially when time goes on and on. It because harder and harder. I needed to make decisions for myself which where I had to face it. It's either, I chose my reputation, my friends or my family.
Well in all, it was a great year. I learned valuable lessons from different great persons in Bloomfield Academy.
And for that I thank them. It was an honor for me to have met them, cooperate together and in all for being my friend.
I can say, as my first time to study in here, I don't regret of enrolling in Bloomfield Academy.
To you all Bloomfieldians, I am so blessed to be with you, to thrive with you through the months.
May God bless and protect us all.
Friday, March 18, 2011
My Favorite PC Game
It's strategic and fun. My favorite faction is the USA, why? US has air power with I like About it, it's one of the best thing I want about the game. Well in other factions, I like the Chinese Mig Fighters which can deal a devastating blow of Raging fire in a designated area when grouped up to four planes. For GLA, standing for Global Liberation Army are more based on terrorism and liberation of their lands. Well their main feature is that, they have a bounty skill, they ambush, they are stealth and very cheap. The game is very exciting, I hope that they release a new version of it soon. I am so waiting for one.
Well the video underneath is made by brother Angelo Rebong. The song is from this game but the pictures, he got it randomly from the internet. Have fun watching it.
A part from this, there's an exciting mod of this. Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour Shockwave. It's one of its best mod.
That's all for this post... I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Favorite All time Cartoon Characters
But as I watched everyday, I got a favorite cartoon character. Well actually I got a lot of it. There's a lot of them to choose from, from Daffy DUCK to Buzz Lightyear and beyond it.
But I have to choose one right? Well here he is,the one and only!!! Bugs Bunny !!!
Why? He's a Bunny hahaha. Again why? It's a walking bunny! He's funny and cool.
Only if they could revive it's version, it would be good. Like a new version of it, a recolored one with more attraction and excitement to watch it.
My favorite line is " What's up, Doc " Duke or Duck depending to whom he's speaking to. My favorite Bugs' rival is Elmer the Fudd, both of them make a good combination with Daffy! wehew....
Some Childhood I had I guess, they are old but still look alive to me.
Favorite Animals
I like dogs, they are man best friend but it's not really my favorite one.
I got another one, it's bigger! Stronger! Ferocious! From the Artic North to snowlands and desert plains. It's a wolf...

They are very good companions. Biologically, they are close to dogs, they are one of the classes of dogs like hyenas and foxes .
Just like dogs, you are his master. He'll stay at your side till your last breath.
That's one of the amazing things of creatures on earth.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
HS2 Computer Class
( wow I am already in the Conclusion)
Well to make this longer, I’ll add more.
For the first time, I experience a better computer class with a curriculum that they are following and with a good facilities that we were able to use.
Aside from that, it’s not only the facility that matters, our teacher is very great one.
Well I wasn’t expecting anything like that but from my point of view, I see it differently.And other from that, he’s very professional.
Our activities our very encouraging to them, they are easy yet challenging and very rough because it’s done with a computer.
A computer, you can do a lot of things with it, generations today mostly use computer as a hobby and for fun so it was distracting, you get tempted to use the computer for gaming rather than doing it for your activity in computer class.
Well that’s one hard part of it.
As my conclusion for this post, Computer class is a fun. Overall I like it and I am looking forward for next year’s Computer class, I hope it’s still Sir Weng
My Favorite Food
Hi there, well today, we are going to talk about my favorite food. it’s easy, it’s own of the Philippines own dishes. The Lumpia, well mostly I eat Lumpia Shangai…
Sometimes I take dimsum or Spring rolls as same as the Lumpia Shangai.
But for my from the term Shangai, it looks like a foreign word but in all I eat any Lumpia. It’s either I eat with catsup, Mustard, Vinegar w/ chili or Soy sauce w/ citrus.
As my main dish, it’s also a Filipino Dish, Adobo, I mostly like it with chicken or pork.
But preferably with Chicken. It’s simple and taste good. And also one of it is the Sinigang, the same but in here, I prefer Pork. And for additional taste, I add Soy sauce with citrus. Well in all, you’re day is perfect.
And at last but not the least, I don’t know it’s Filipino Dish but anyway, as dessert, I prefer Buko Pandan, It’s simple to make with gelatins, coconut and some pandan flavor.
In all it makes a perfect combination to have an energetic and great day.
And most all to add more, as my beverage, I’ll go with a ripe mango shake!
Bloomfield Academy
It’s a very exceptional place to be. It’s a place where you grow your skills.
You can see a lot of different kinds of person. Most of them are common around the world but some in here are very special. They are very rare persons, including teachers and staff etc…, people you won’t be able to see living a normal life like others.
As for Bloomfield Academy, as my first time to study in here, I came from a different school where it’s a lot different from here in terms of language. From different schools I’ve been around Las Pinas, Paranaque and Alabang to search the one school I would like to study in up to Fourth year High School. I chose Bloomfield because it’s were one of my brother graduated. My brother is very inspiring person to other people. Well, it’s not really about it but partly… Anyway, Bloomfield Academy has a lot feature to come that I’ll still be able to witness and experience.
Among all schools, not all schools can provide an education that you’ll never forget, I don’t know what it is but it’s a feeling that you won’t ever forget.
In all, Bloomfield Academy is my third home.
In short here's a video where you can watch about Bloomfield Academy.
Made by Angelo Rebong, B.A. Alumnus, my brother.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
My Name
"Kenneth is Ciniod/Cináed/Coinneach/Cyneath
Cináed often thought to mean "fire-head" or "born of fire";
Coinneach means "handsome one"...
Cyneath is a word not a name I think, if not, anyway, it means Royal Oath. "
It's from different languages. And did I forget to mention that John and Ian are popular names? Well it is.
That's all I can share for my name...
Glory To GOD in the Highest!
It is only done once in a person's lifetime.
As for today, I received the Sacrement of Confirmation. By that I received the gifts of the Holy Spirit from GOD our Father.
And for that, I accepted anew the responsibilities of my faith. I renewed my Baptism Vows which I myself answered with my whole heart.
It's a new beginning....
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Summer Plans
WOW, I have a lot to talk about!
Summer is near, and I am so excited for it.
First I want to have piano sessions. I am so keen to play the piano! Or maybe even the violin.
And one my plans are to join the CAT summer training… Somehow I'll get some exercise and something to do for the summer.
But I have something else too…. I want to play soccer and by this summer, I want to know if I can join a competing soccer team within BF resort! WOW ! A lot right!
But If I want to learn something else too, I want to learn on how to SWIM, I am a horrible swimmer, I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO FLOAT!!!
Well that's one part of my summer, before my summer ends, I want to go to my provinces, somewhere in BICOL and LAGUNA…
Aside from, I would also like to play COD and DOTA with my friends during the summer! I have never fought them before and looking for the CHALLENGE with them hahaha!
Well I know it'll be a nice summer, I don't know the weather yet BUT it will FUN!!!
There are things in life, it’s hard to find the answers. It’s hard to do your job. You’re always complaining about yourself, about things around you. You always get mad at people and shout at them…
But is it hard to say sorry? Is there a time limit for it? Or is it always too late to do something?
A lot of people forget about the past, or about the things about to happen the day after… They give up from the time they think about it, they start doing it but they failed to submit on time.
BUT I believe, it’s never too late to do something, there’s a way of doing it. God will help you, and God will comfort you. Everything is going to be alright…
For many days of life, we all have something to do; activities, chores, clubs, parties and etc… Well I also do.
Well mine, I may not be that good in it, but I am looking forward of doing so. I like to play soccer; it's one of famous and popular sports all over the world…
I can say, it's hard to do the ball handling with feet, unlike basketball which easier. BUT the easiest part of it is that, when you get the ball, AIM, KICK IT as far as you can, as fast as you can, stronger than you can, higher than you can. Or just block the opposite team and guess their next moves.
But I play different; I am neither striker nor a midfielder. I am just a defender. I tough one! It's not easy for them to get pass on me, OR sometimes, a goalkeeper. It's hard to be a goalkeeper, it's not because you are not skilled you're a goalkeeper; most people do think of that; it's because they know you can and you are the only one who can do better than anyone else. Goalkeeping is a tough position. Mostly you'll be responsible if the opposite team scores a goal. Well that's soccer only.
Imagine there are still a lot of sports around the world. Imagine gymnasts, basketball players, swimmers, mountain climbers, football players, baseball players… NO SPORT HAS NO CHALLENGE… You just have to learn… that's the challenge.
In soccer, it's the BATTLE FOR THE BALL… It's all about a spherical shaped rubber with air inside that they are fighting for.
In my life, I began playing soccer when I was about 7 years old, I was in Africa… African people play soccer a lot... Like every day, they play soccer with anything, with any ball, a coconut, a plastic bottle, or even a soda can! Imagine that! Besides that, they play anywhere, on mud, in the middle of the road, in rocky places, in sands, on water, while raining and MORE!!
I learned how to play and some of my friends admire me for defense skills and goalkeeping skills… BUT sometimes I do get lazy or underestimating, which makes it easier for the others to score on me… WOW!?
AMAZING right? Right now, I dreamed of playing soccer and be a soccer player for my own country because I don't think Philippines has a national soccer team… Well I haven't heard one…
That's all for everyone,
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
GOD was always there for me and my group mates. I believe there's always hope and I must never give up, and there is always a way and something good that will happen tomorrow. And I pray that my group mates will bring the project , the one we did today, tomorrow... And I know, no matter what, we'll be successful tomorrow as there is always hope and we mustn't turn back, whatever happens tomorrow, we'll face it and answer them.
Monday, February 28, 2011
i just realize now what I should have done today and I hope that I'll do better tomorrow as for tomorrow, there'll be much more to face on and choose the right path to go on with.
And for that I learned how hard is to be a leader and to be respected and entrusted with such power.
Do not abuse it, nor use for it the bad BUT use it like when it was given to you for the better of everyone...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
But sometimes, as you get voted or assigned to be the leader, there are thing which are very easy to do but sometimes, there's a big risk and a big doing where you it's unusual for you to do.
You'll ask yourself, when?where?how?what to do? how to start?
But you just have to plan it and make a decision and just do it...
Like now, our health teacher assigns each group for making our own commercial on a specific product and imitate two other commercial videos we want.
As I am the group leader, I was asking myself, how should we start? Where are we getting the gadgets and materials we'll need? When and where are we going to meet?For how long are we going to do it? Will it be successful? How will your teammates react? Are they willing to cooperate with me?
But for now, as our submission is at an end next week, I am trying decide what would be the best solution...
Where everyone will meet their goals.
I pray that we may accomplish it and peacefully with success and excellence in it.
Love? is the moment right for it?
Why!? It's so confusing... Why now? I just can't stop thinking of her.
But for now, I realized, let it go... Just live the life you have and if ever you get the opportunity of it, just flow with it, and think twice before grabbing it.
MTAP Sectoral Competition
I thank GOD for helping us through out day, for making it successful and gave up the spirit of sportsmanship.
With all the seeds we have planted and all the hard work, we were still able to harvest some of it tho it stormed.
I know there are a lot more competitions to come and I know, my teammates and I can do a lot more and achieve more because I believe that we are one of the best among all! And it was one of my greatest time in competitions that I have been with them.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My teacher idol is no other than Sir Weng Carballo. He’s a great computer teacher with great wisdom that he shares among his students and other people to help them in their way to success and overcome difficulties in life. He’s been very very supportive. And he is fair to all without no preferences.
He share his wisdom like no other computer teachers that I would have expected.
He’s a great person, and one of the memorable things he had said to us is “ Companies look for person who has a heart, who has dignity and discipline. Even if you were the person with most knowledge, if you have no discipline, then you are nothing to them. Knowledge can be tough easily if you have discipline.
When he says something, he knows what he’s saying. He knows how to handle people without difficulty. If he ever get mad, it’s when he was really relaying and believing in you on something but you didn’t do it. He may get mad at someone but not like WHAT I would have expected as a Prefect Of Discipline would do in another school. Some would shout at people, but he just calms down, talks with you and gives you advices…
If someone needs advices on something, he’s always free to talk with…
What is LOVE?
Love! Love s kind of a feeling of someone! Love is Gentle but sometimes Destructive…
Love can be true but for some they are just playing with it.
Playing with it is bad, Bad as if you can destroy thy self and REGRET FOR IT for the rest of your love.
But being gentle with love, you will harvest friends and good people. That is the love for others like one of what Jesus Christ commanded us to do so "Love your neighbor as yourself".
Love for someone, Love for a girl that I like example, as a guy, I will really be into it. One of the inspiring things to have in life, the love for family and the love of the girl you love the most.
But as we celebrated Valentine's Day, most of us had a date but some still doesn't have. But that doesn't really matter at all, you may not have a mate to be with But as long you are a good hearted person,
There is surely someone for you anywhere, you may never know… The person could be beside you while standing somewhere. Or even your closest friend etc!!!
Love has a lot of aspects…
Friday, February 11, 2011
Win or Lost Competitions
First, you just have to look around you, look at all the people. They admire you, they have seen you,or maybe they may already have known you. And just by looking each other faces, you may have common likes. You may already know each other for some reason. Just by letting a good smile out, you Win a Friend.
Second, after days of training, doing your best each day to make that day very very successful, you already won something , Perseverance and Determination to do so where none would have done such thing and give up from the beginning.
A real winner never gives up. Loosing is not an option, unless you choose to...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
. . . . . . . . . . . .
It's hard to understand everything in a few minutes, takes hours... sometimes week but must review more and study harder.
But I know we can win, I know we can make it all, I am confident that we are good enough to compete.
Just pray and study hard...
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
To see the beautiful light shining at every person;
My friends, the good persons over the world;
and all my loved ones.
It's the only thing I want to,
Apart from being successful,
In a job in an instance;
Or in a Career like most of everyone else;
But what most of I care
Is be with one with all.
And forever I shall be happy;
With all my loved ones all over the world;
And as I see the horizon,
Day or night, the bright stars in the sky;
Or the dolphins at the sea;
The shape of the mountain;
The blue sky on daylight;
The animals running wild;
The breeze of the wind;
The Trees over the hills;
The fruit we harvest;
The rainbow in the sky;
And as we different cultures,
to black or white, to yellow or red;
But that doesn't matter;
All I care is what's in your heart….
It's the deepest thing that matters,
Even thou you are 317 miles away
Or we were even a millennium older
or a planet a part,
I can never forget all of you….
As for now My goal is,
To be a successful doctor,
Someone with healing hands,
With strong faith and will,
And to cure all who needs,
even if it doesn't have a price,
nor debt from,
But just to be a good person
and to help everyone....
Saturday, January 29, 2011
2011 Bloomfield Educational Tour
Hello, My name is Ian Kenneth P. Rebong. I was born one September 27th 1995, I am now 15, and I live in Las Pinas City. Years ago, I was just a little boy that running around the street and playing with other people. And then one day, My mother, my sister and I traveled in a long distance country from the Philippines. It was Africa, somewhere in Africa that I didn't know about when I was at that age but then I found out it was Guinea. For years, my father was working abroad so we joined him there but not for long.
My mother and my sister came back in the Philippines because I had my brothers and sisters who were already studying here. I was left in Africa with father. I studied there and I learned to speak new languages like French and Spanish , talk to new people. I could only come to the Philippines during the summer and Christmas. But it was fun traveling around the world even if the country in where I lived wasn't that much with modern technology; it was all about the dirt and the sand with the soccer or basketball. But 10 years after, today, I am here in the Philippines with my family. I am studying at Bloomfield Academy and so far, the end of an adventure is the start of a new one.
More of me is that I like Lumpiang Shangai as a food and Buko Pandan as my desert. My favorite color was once orange or maybe red. I like quiet moments where I can think out of everything. I like looking toward the horizon during sunset near the beach. I am fond of bows and arrows. I like observing things like rich and colorful books.
Truly Myself –Ian Kenneth –