Sunday, March 20, 2011


This is a big world, it's growing so fast in terms of Technology. I've been watching news about new devices and gadgets. Wow... They are so exciting. from just an old cellphone, now you can see laptops or just computer tablets.
 Well those computer tables so called Touch screen tablets or iPad are like big iPhones lol hahaha. But anyway, they are cool and I would like to buy one in the future, but maybe there will be something more than that.
There are so many renovation in the industries. They are making things more and more sophisticated with more advance technology to add more feature. Well I am very sure, they can put all feature in just one single device, well they don't want to because there will no more renovation by that then which is part of business plans.
As for iPad, I like it because they are cool and small in kind which can use anywhere, even when standing or walking. You just have to use the screen and your fingers to navigate through it.
Zoom, zoom and zoom, you are there. Just with fingers... Guaranteed one the best gadget right now.

But it's too expensive hahahaha. so later iPad... hahaha

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